Forensic Science Club Hosts 3rd Annual Blood Spatterganza

UNL Forensic Science - Spatterganza2015

April 1, 2015

UNL’s Forensic Science Club, a Registered Student Organization affiliated with the Forensic Science Degree Program, held its 3rd Annual Blood Spatterganza fundraiser on Wednesday, April 1st

Every year, the club provides individuals the opportunity for individuals to buy a t-shirt and then find creative ways to get imitation-blood spatter on it.  The proceedings, supervised by faculty member and resident blood-spatter expert Sgt. Larry Barksdale, took place in one of the forensic science program’s lab facilities.  The idea is for students to be able to provide an educated explanation for the particular patterns displayed on their eye-catching shirts.  Patterns are designed to imitate common patterns like expirated, cast-off, drip, and splash at various velocities.