Our People

Forensic Science Instructional Staff

Michael Adamowicz Headshot

Adamowicz, Michael; Ph.D.

Director, UNL Forensic Science Degree Program

Associate Professor

Specialty: Biological Evidence Analysis

Email: madamowicz2@unl.edu

Karl Reinhard Headshot

Reinhard, Karl J.; Ph.D.

Professor of Forensic Science and Environmental Archaeology

UNL School of Natural Resources

Specialty: Pollen Analysis and Human Remains

Email: kreinhard1@unl.edu

Victoria Retelsdorf Headshot

Retelsdorf, Victoria; MS, CCSA


UNL Forensic Science Program

Specialty: Crime Scene Investigation

Email: vretelsdorf2@unl.edu

Katie Whitmore Headshot

Whitmore, Katie; Ph.D.


UNL Forensic Science Program

Specialty: Human Remains, Forensic Anthropology, and Bioarchaeology

Email: kwhitmore8@unl.edu

Molly Reil Headshot

Reil, Molly; MS

Assistant Professor of Practice of Forensic Science

UNL Forensic Science Program

Specialty: Fingerprints and Firearms Examinations

Email: mreil2@unl.edu

Charles Murrieta Headshot

Murrieta, Charles; Ph.D.


UNL Forensic Science Program

Specialty: Forensic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Lab Safety

Email: cmurrieta2@unl.edu

William Belcher Headshot

Belcher, William; Ph.D. RPA, D-ABFA

Associate Professor

UNL Department of Anthropology

Specialties: Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology, Forensic Taphonomy

Email: wbelcher2@unl.edu

Forensic Science Affiliates and Staff

Erin Bauer Headhshot

Bauer, Erin; MS


UNL Department of Entomology

Specialty: Insect Science

Email: ebauer2@unl.edu

Robert Bowen Headshot

Bowen, Robert; MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Practice of Forensic Science

Physician's Laboratory Services

Board Certified in Cytopathology, Clinical Pathology and Anatomical Pathology

Specialty: Forensic Pathology

Email: rbowen2@unl.edu

Steven Schmidt Headshot

Schmidt, Steven; JD

Assistant Professor of Law and Courtesy Associate Professor of Forensic Science

University of Nebraska College of Law

Specialty: Clinical Practice - Criminal

Email: steven.j.schmidt@unl.edu

Logan Newman Headshot

Newman, Logan; MA

Academic Advisor

Forensic Science

Email: lnewman2@unl.edu